MAC Cosmetics SPONSORS NYC Gay Pride Fundraiser Event Celebrating Bold Beautiful Empowered Women for the “Sundays at Café Tabac” Documentary Feature Film
Lesbians have always been “chic” and MAC Cosmetics have always known this and hailed it proudly. Pictured here is a “vintage” advertisement from one of their earliest campaigns featuring K.D. Lang in the early ’90s, which holds historical significance. MAC Cosmetics have been one of a small handful of corporate brands who not only marketed to the LGBT community, but featured our icons as their spokespersons; and did so not only visibly, but boldly during a time when other brands wanted to woo the gay dollar, but discreetly “in the closet” as it was. They were among the pioneers to help shift the corporate and media landscape towards LGBT visibility and representation, which played a part in laying the groundwork for today’s unprecedented visibility and empowerment, both culturally and politically. And they are still huge visible supporters in our community.
We are so proud to hail our upcoming #BACK2TABAC #NYCPride2015 fundraiser event as “Sponsored by MAC Cosmetics.” Their support is invaluable in helping us launch this event, which we hope will raise significant funds for the production of our documentary feature film, “Sundays at Café Tabac.” The film is centered around an early ’90s Sunday night party for women at Café Tabac in NYC’s East Village. As we began to curate the brands we wanted to ally with for our film project and the numerous future events around it, MAC was at the top of our list of companies we wanted to approach. It was our way of celebrating their role in the LGBT movement and was a natural extension of the film’s story of the big “coming out” moment of the early ’90s, for lesbians and the LGBT community.
We also have a very special and tactile connection to their products. MAC’s incredible range of rich red lipsticks helped set the tone at the original Sunday night parties at Café Tabac. It was a memorable part of the bold and sultry expression of the beautiful empowered lesbian women who filled the room. It inspired an unforgettable tableau vivant of the imagination of red lips that women remember decades later even to this day.
So today we announce, salute and thank MAC Cosmetics for their generous support of this project and their role in our community. They have provided make-up artists and product on our film shoots and are sponsoring our upcoming Pride event and other future events around this film. We look forward to the success of this film project when it spirals out into the world upon completion, in large part because of MAC’s early support. THANK YOU MAC!!!!